How many refugees from A&M should OU take in? How many can we take, and how many do we want? What will the screening process entail? Is it possible that some of these prospective transfers are actually moles looking to sabotage other schools by infecting their football programs with Aggie loserdom?
How much would it cost to build a fence around the Switzer Center? Would the fence even provide security if the Swagcopter can fly over it to drop off unwanted transfers?
For the better part of 15 years, A&M was nothing more than the butt of Big 12 jokes, but it's time for people to wake up. No civilian school assembles its own army because they think this looks cool:
What have your sources heard? @josh_m @Joe_DuVall @Carey Murdock @james_hale @bob_przybylo
How much would it cost to build a fence around the Switzer Center? Would the fence even provide security if the Swagcopter can fly over it to drop off unwanted transfers?
For the better part of 15 years, A&M was nothing more than the butt of Big 12 jokes, but it's time for people to wake up. No civilian school assembles its own army because they think this looks cool:
What have your sources heard? @josh_m @Joe_DuVall @Carey Murdock @james_hale @bob_przybylo