Question about some Sooner History


Sooner starter
Mar 23, 2004
Hope this post is ok to put here. I purchased these 3 ceramic Oklahoma Stadium Ashtrays and the Metal one in OK City a few years back at an Antique Store. The dealer told me he got them from an Estate Sale in Norman. He said the guy that passed away had them stashed away in an old box and that he used to work for the Athletic Department during Bud Wilkinson's tenure. He said that Bud had them made up to celebrate the 47 game win streak from 1953 to 57. Has anyone else any info to give? Anyone here that was around back then that remembers these? Anyone know the company name on the bottom G.N. and R. Norman Okla? Just trying to get a little info on these. Thanks!




Hope this post is ok to put here. I purchased these 3 ceramic Oklahoma Stadium Ashtrays and the Metal one in OK City a few years back at an Antique Store. The dealer told me he got them from an Estate Sale in Norman. He said the guy that passed away had them stashed away in an old box and that he used to work for the Athletic Department during Bud Wilkinson's tenure. He said that Bud had them made up to celebrate the 47 game win streak from 1953 to 57. Has anyone else any info to give? Anyone here that was around back then that remembers these? Anyone know the company name on the bottom G.N. and R. Norman Okla? Just trying to get a little info on these. Thanks!




WOW! What a great find.
I have seen a couple more of the ceramic ones, the guy I got all these from went up on his prices when I went back to see him a month or so after I bought these back in 2012, so I left 2 Ceramic ones with him. Greedy bastid! Ha ha. The metal one is rare and possibly the only one, it is the mold to make the Ceramic ones. I was thinking Senorita also iasooner, she may know something about them. I looked up the company name a few yrs ago online and found nothing. Probably long since out of business.
Seniorita should be all over these... I would bet there are more of these around
I would really like to be able to shed some light on these, but I'm not at all familiar with them. My first thought, as well as my second, and third...They don't fit with my idea of something that Bud would do. They are GREAT Souvenirs, and no doubt, authentic, but I'm guessing that someone may have tacked Bud's name onto the story to 'promote the product'...

I would definitely hang on to the Metal Piece...At least you know they didn't 'Break the Mold' when they made these. Looking forward to any historical updates that you may find, 67...Good Luck with that!
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Thanks! I talked to a guy that collects this type of stuff a few yrs ago, he has been a collector of over 30 yrs and put out a book and he had never seen one like the metal one from OU, he offered me 500.00 and I declined, I was only wanting info on it. He told me a lot of these types of stadiums were made by the Engineering Dept at the respective schools to commemorate different things. He has pics in his book of some of them, some are very rare and quite valuable. Some go back to the 1930's. Out of the Big 12 Schools only Texas, OU and Kansas had some made. Most of them were made of cast iron at least the early ones and some were made of aluminum or pot metal.


Thanks for the input guys. I am leaning toward these being done to celebrate the 55 National Title since the year 1955 is on the bottom.