The decommitment of Pritchard is a huge reality check that OU is struggling to recruit elite Football or Basketball players. I feel like the game day atmpospheres contribute to this in a greater fashion than we think. Neither the football or basketball venues would rank in the top 20 for game day atmosphere. Football may be on the cusp of the top 20 but Lloyd Noble Center would not rank in the top 50. The bottom line is these kids see all of the venues and want to play in the best atmospheres. OU is lacking in both for major sports and that is showing in recruiting.
Lon Kruger is proving he can taking average talent and mold them into a top 20 team yet there is only 1 top 100 recruit on the current team. Despite being able to prove this over the last 3 years the struggle has been great in getting upper end talent to come to Norman.
It is up to the administration to see this and actualy do something about it. They are not putting OUr coaches in the best position to succseed IMHO.
Lon Kruger is proving he can taking average talent and mold them into a top 20 team yet there is only 1 top 100 recruit on the current team. Despite being able to prove this over the last 3 years the struggle has been great in getting upper end talent to come to Norman.
It is up to the administration to see this and actualy do something about it. They are not putting OUr coaches in the best position to succseed IMHO.