OU Total Offense: #108. Littrell is a disaster


Sooner starter
Jun 5, 2001
To date the Sooners have run the "gauntlet" of Temple, Houston and Tulane and produced the #108 team in total O:

All Tennessee is going to show us is what we already know: how completely worthless Seth Littrell is at OC

He's managed to engineer 3 points in the 3rd quarter through three games. 3 measly points. That means all 3 DCs, that you've never heard of and have comparable crap talent, have been outcoaching him in their half time adjustments. Yes we've been injured, but a good OC manages to play to the strengths of the hand he has been dealt. What I see from Littrell are the same calls, especially in the running game (watch Ikard's breakdowns of the lame running play that is our bread and butter if you need to be enlightened) with zero creativity. And if we don't have time for the deep ball then mix in some max protect, etc.

Here's a typical Littrell special: 2nd series after the half we run speed back frosh Tatum up the gut twice as if he's Bo Jackson, and then on 3rd and long Littrell continues to refuse to acknowledge of the floundering OL - does not move the pocket around, roll out Arnold, throw a screen or have a relief valve - and Arnold gets sacked.

If Littrell has been sandbagging the offense before SEC play that's pretty inexcusable because we've been in dogfights in 2 out of the 3 .

BTW: The year we fired Heupel (the 2014 season) ) here were the results of those first 3 games:
La Tech W 48–16
Tulsa W 52–7
Tenn: W 34-10
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Punting is winning (Iowa slogan for 2 years and counting)

Get field position with great punting, play great Defense and get some short fields to make it easier to score
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