OT...question to the board...


Sooner starter
Oct 16, 2004
Gun Barrel, Texas...via Claremore, earth
Have you all seen the vids of the tsunamis in 2011? (youtube of course)
OMG, just gut wrenching stuff. 250,000 dead in fourteen countries.
It's like the oceans were pissed!
Those ocean earthquakes are just bad ass and they don't care.

Be forewarned, view them at your own peril.
If you want to be informed in a morbid way, go for it.
Otherwise it will bring ya down and don't view them. FYI
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Most vids it's hard to grasp just how powerful that was. But I remember seeing one vid in particular that really put the size and power into context. I will see if I can still find it. I'm sure it's still up on YouTube.

I know, a lot of people picture tsunamis as some monsterous 80 foot wave that smashes 100 story buildings. Only in the movies.
Actually, they are from one to three foot 'walls' of water that just inundates everything in their path.
It's that perception that they are so small and insignificant they couldn't do too much damage. Wrong.

Man, if you live in a coastal area, and the tide recedes drastically...move to the high ground, otherwise you will probably die of drowning.
This thing has woke me up.o_O
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Here is the video I was talking about. Maybe there are better vids out there. But this one I think really shows it well just how high the water rose and how quickly it rose that high. But you're right fitty...either you get to high ground or you are screwed and you're gonna drown. Or be like the people that shot this video and got in a building built well enough to withstand the force of the water hitting it. It's just insane how fast and how high the water got to the level it did.

Here is the video I was talking about. Maybe there are better vids out there. But this one I think really shows it well just how high the water rose and how quickly it rose that high. But you're right fitty...either you get to high ground or you are screwed and you're gonna drown. Or be like the people that shot this video and got in a building built well enough to withstand the force of the water hitting it. It's just insane how fast and how high the water got to the level it did.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking. Just devastating.
Thanks for posting it.
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Billy, that is one of the best ones. There are others, like one video panning away from people escaping to the rooftop, the camera pans pack and the building is gone. What a horrific nightmare. What the video above doesn't show is when the waters recede and everything goes in reverse, washed back out to sea.
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I don't guess I ever got to see that one S22. I can't imagine being those people on those rooftops thinking any second their building may collapse. I would be a nervous wreck!!! Cuz if you go down into water like that, then you are just screwed. Most of the footage you see from a tsunami it's hard to really grasp how high and powerful the water is. Alot of it just looks like a really bad flood. But in that vid I bet that water got up to at least 20-25 feet deep. And it's moving so fast and powerful, like fitty said it's just unreal devastation in front of it. When I see things like this, I'm damn glad I live well away from a coast.

There are some good vids of that tsunami that hit out in the Indian Ocean in 2004. I remember watching one a couple are shooting footage of when the water had receded and they were laughing about all the boats sitting on the ground. They literally had zero clue was that meant and what was about to happen. They were damn lucky to have lived that's for sure.
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This thread has reminded me to research the subject on the Nuclear Plant that was destroyed.

PBS has a really really well done piece on this. I can't remember the name but I saw it about 2 years ago. So much information that didn't filter down to me in Texas.
How many knew that the plant was hours away from meltdown that would have made Tokyo unlivable and displaced over 10M people. That would have crippled the world.
They got the plant back online by robbing the batteries out of all of the cars in the parking lot and hooking them all up together. O.O

The guy in charge of the plant also asked permission to flood the reactor with ocean water which would destroy the plant forever. The company owners and I believe government told him no. He disobeyed them and saved the world from catastrophe. As many know, disobedience is a big no no in Japan. He, however, ended up receiving one of Japan's highest awards.
PBS has a really really well done piece on this. I can't remember the name but I saw it about 2 years ago. So much information that didn't filter down to me in Texas.
How many knew that the plant was hours away from meltdown that would have made Tokyo unlivable and displaced over 10M people. That would have crippled the world.
They got the plant back online by robbing the batteries out of all of the cars in the parking lot and hooking them all up together. O.O

The guy in charge of the plant also asked permission to flood the reactor with ocean water which would destroy the plant forever. The company owners and I believe government told him no. He disobeyed them and saved the world from catastrophe. As many know, disobedience is a big no no in Japan. He, however, ended up receiving one of Japan's highest awards.

Yep, it was only when Yoshida got throat cancer that the full force of the Japanese government called off the dogs. They were gonna 'string him up' as I understand it.