Well, I hate the bastard. Always have. It didn't take his trial to go down for me to dislike the fool. He's a smug, rich, & punkish, ex NFL player that has always gotten what he wants. Having said that, he is also friggin' innocent in a criminal court of law. Sure he hired a top list of who's who in regards to attorneys. Good for him. I don't fault him for that. If any of us needed representation, we'd hire the best that our money could buy! The fact is, the State of California threw everything they possibly could at him and failed. So what happened? He's set up and then locked up in another case. It just shows all of us that our justice system can be corrupted badly. There is no telling how many innocent people have been washed up, locked up and put away by corrupt judges.
I don't like the asshat, but I have no issue with him walking either.