The wife woke me up last night screaming, "Get up! Wake up! This house next door is on fire!" I thought she was dreaming so I just rolled back over until see came and got in my face. Sure enough, a quick glance out the back window and flames were shooting through their roof. We quickly got dressed and ran outside as two of the eventualy eight firetrucks rolled up. The neighbors were outside and had already moved their cars from the driveway and grange. All were safe including the two dogs. Scary shit to wake up to. The house is totaled. All that's left is the exterior brick walls and even they are charred black.
The neighbors were three guys sharing rent. Always pretty quite and always working. They are ok but but they lost everything they owned. I'm not sure if their belongings were insured or not. What a shame for them though.
The neighbors were three guys sharing rent. Always pretty quite and always working. They are ok but but they lost everything they owned. I'm not sure if their belongings were insured or not. What a shame for them though.