OT: Homeless in Norman

Your cynicism about this homeless issue is quite misplaced. Just because someone is down on their luck doesn't make the person is a junkie or a thief. Your comment exemplifies the ultimate callousness and indifference to those who are unfortunate in our society.
Your comment is actually fair as I did a terrible job explaining what I actually meant. Yes, there are a lot of down on their luck homeless people in Norman and in the world and I don’t fault them one bit and want better for them. But, regarding some of the people we see in Norman, there is a clear distinction, where there is obvious addiction, rampant theft, vagrancy and just total disregard for a healthy functioning society. We pour money in to help them and they literally find ways to stay in the streets and use drugs. I have offered food and water many times to people since this issue has become such a huge deal, some accept help, but others just ask for money instead. In my old neighborhood on the North side of Norman by old Norman Regional Hospital, many times I had people camping behind my fence, or around the property. I empathized with them and always let them be, instead of going nimby. I allowed a homeless kid to mow my lawn even though I was capable and not only paid him but made sure he actually got food in his belly. I tried to look the other way as my vehicles were broken in to over 15+ times. Wrights IGA on Porter actually had to close their store as a result of constant daily theft that was lowering not only profit, but morale from the employees that had to watch it happen and were powerless to stop it. In the end you realize that there are always going to be meth monsters that go around stealing kids bikes and other stuff to support their habit and nothing anyone does will change this until those committing the crimes are arrested and thrown in jail as a example of what we won’t tolerate in our city. Hopefully deterring others and causing them to move on down the road in response. This is the way Norman used to be and anyone who has lived here longer than 8-10 years knows we didn’t always have this problem.
Your comment is actually fair as I did a terrible job explaining what I actually meant. Yes, there are a lot of down on their luck homeless people in Norman and in the world and I don’t fault them one bit and want better for them. But, regarding some of the people we see in Norman, there is a clear distinction, where there is obvious addiction, rampant theft, vagrancy and just total disregard for a healthy functioning society. We pour money in to help them and they literally find ways to stay in the streets and use drugs. I have offered food and water many times to people since this issue has become such a huge deal, some accept help, but others just ask for money instead. In my old neighborhood on the North side of Norman by old Norman Regional Hospital, many times I had people camping behind my fence, or around the property. I empathized with them and always let them be, instead of going nimby. I allowed a homeless kid to mow my lawn even though I was capable and not only paid him but made sure he actually got food in his belly. I tried to look the other way as my vehicles were broken in to over 15+ times. Wrights IGA on Porter actually had to close their store as a result of constant daily theft that was lowering not only profit, but morale from the employees that had to watch it happen and were powerless to stop it. In the end you realize that there are always going to be meth monsters that go around stealing kids bikes and other stuff to support their habit and nothing anyone does will change this until those committing the crimes are arrested and thrown in jail as a example of what we won’t tolerate in our city. Hopefully deterring others and causing them to move on down the road in response. This is the way Norman used to be and anyone who has lived here longer than 8-10 years knows we didn’t always have this problem.
I understand your concern and thanks for the clarification.
I have actually participated in a homeless count in my community on more than one occasion. We interview homeless people and get basic information from them in order to obtain federal funds.
Homelessness has nothing to do with COVID. And in my community, which has a large Hispanic population, most of the homeless were White. Predominantly.
The problem is substance abuse - alcohol or drugs. Far too many people, especially younger people, will inject anything into their bodies without having any idea as to what the substance is or what it does. It is astounding to me. We are raising a generation of imbeciles with no idea of the dangers of drug use. These individuals make the hippies of the 1960s look like geniuses when it comes to being aware of the dangers of drug use.
Yesterday evening, after participating in this thread, I went online and found the contact information for one of the Norman City Councilmembers. I asked them about the situation and what a Norman resident could do to participate and here is the answer.

"The most important thing you can do is continue to write and put pressure on our city council to demand accountability and stop this housing first nonsense that has been proven not to work. These people need treatment. Our home base study shows that a majority of our homeless suffer from mental health and substance abuse issues and the 2nd most requested service asked for by our homeless is help with these issues which the rest of our council has proven with their votes they won’t even endeavor to do. Until the rest of our council stops enabling this behavior or are replaced with those who care about this problem and not trying to enrich themselves politically and financially through this groups suffering I see the problem getting much worse before it gets better. Thank you for the email and please keep them coming!"

I think it is past time to demand different compassionate actions be taken by local government. If you are a Norman resident, please contact the city council and let them hear you.
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Maybe states shouldn’t spend billions per year housing illegals and put it towards homelessness instead.
What states are spending billions housing illegals? Illegals are probably the hardest working segment of the entire population. That's why they came here--to work.
What states are spending billions housing illegals? Illegals are probably the hardest working segment of the entire population. That's why they came here--to work.
NYC alone estimates their cost this year will be around $10B for housing.

Lol that USED to be the case, back when they stayed around the border. The fat women and children with brand new smartphones are the same. And most that come here wind up on government assistance.
Cant speak for the rest of the state or nation for that matter but in my area its unlike anything I have seen in this area. Bartlesville has a healthy homeless population. Its sad. Hopefully more mental health facilities and laws can come into being because right now what he have doesnt work.
Sigh... Another fool that thinks we have an income problem, not a spending problem.
Sigh - another fool that doesn't realize we have both. Get back to us when the individual tax cuts expire while the 1% tax breaks that contributing trillions to the deficit continue. I bet you even believe in the" trickle down" bs too.
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Yesterday evening, after participating in this thread, I went online and found the contact information for one of the Norman City Councilmembers. I asked them about the situation and what a Norman resident could do to participate and here is the answer.

"The most important thing you can do is continue to write and put pressure on our city council to demand accountability and stop this housing first nonsense that has been proven not to work. These people need treatment. Our home base study shows that a majority of our homeless suffer from mental health and substance abuse issues and the 2nd most requested service asked for by our homeless is help with these issues which the rest of our council has proven with their votes they won’t even endeavor to do. Until the rest of our council stops enabling this behavior or are replaced with those who care about this problem and not trying to enrich themselves politically and financially through this groups suffering I see the problem getting much worse before it gets better. Thank you for the email and please keep them coming!"

I think it is past time to demand different compassionate actions be taken by local government. If you are a Norman resident, please contact the city council and let them hear you.
Ward 4 -Helen Grant

Councilmember Helen Grant not only a resident of Ward 4, but understands the specific interests and concerns of Ward 4 residents. Prior to being elected as the Ward 4 Councilmember, Helen worked with community organizers and the City on an ordinance that allows no barrier, 24/7 community fridges to be placed back into the public sphere.

Councilmember Grant intends to focus on affordable housing for people struggling with homelessness and on affordable water for resident who are having trouble paying their bills. The three things she is most passionate about are homelessness, mental health and economic development.

Councilmember Grant serves on the Business and Community Affairs Committee and serves as the Council liaison to the Visit Norman Board.

P.O. Box 370, Norman 73070
Phone: 405-876-9237
Term ends 7/2/2024
COVID????? Get real, our southern border is wide open and thousands come in daily!!!!!! They have no place to go!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think all those homeless white people in Norman Oklahoma came across the border illegally.
The more they try to help the more homeless people will flock to the city. Shawnee didn’t used to be bad and has progressively gained more and more.
Not to say all homeless people are going to abuse the system but there are a lot who are not going to even attempt to better themselves. I don’t have the answers but it’s definitely been noticed in the more liberal areas and has increased there presence.
What makes a college town more desirable for homeless than a regular town? Edmond is a town of 100k people vs about 130k in Norman. I never saw camps of people sleeping at Mitch Park
City leadership determines much of this. Norman operated like Portland or Seattle during Covid. Edmond probably a more conservatively ran city.
Agreed. I remember a movie. I think it was called. THE PURGE.
If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity
Maybe your President, if he even knows what day of the week it is, could do his damn job and secure the border. You know....actually do his main job of protecting AMERICANS and enforcing the borders instead of letting millions in ILLEGALLY. My grandparents live on the border in Laredo, and cannot tell you how many times they have had things stolen, broken, and people just trying to get into their home at night. Since you brought politics into this, I will hit you back.

Waiting for that wall Mexico was going to pay for.
What makes a college town more desirable for homeless than a regular town? Edmond is a town of 100k people vs about 130k in Norman. I never saw camps of people sleeping at Mitch Park
College towns are a bastion of liberal virtue signaling, the perfect place for coddling drug addicts. Bet you wont see them opening their homes, dorm rooms or greek houses to the addicts though.
True, but shitting on business doorsteps is (or should be), accosting kids and moms at store entrances with demands for money and stuff you just bought is (or should be), shooting up and tossing your needles on the street is (or should be), breaking into people's yards and stealing anything in sight (IS a crime), but the police are not allowed to do anything about it because of Norman's stupid City Council, which has voted to give them free housing, free groceries, free medical care, and free "mental assistance" that assists nothing. Norman has become a hotbed for druggies (thanks in part to the MJ shops on damn near every corner), bums, hobos, lazy shitheads who expect a handout (or twenty) because they exist, and perfectly healthy young men and women who could work but refuse to..

I'll describe a scenario I saw on the way home from the OU Medical Center just a couple of weeks ago. As we drove east on Reno, there was this "homeless dude" (aka, hobo) sitting in a lawn chair on a vacant lot, his feet up on a footstool, smoking a cigar, giving passing cars the finger, reading from his smart phone, happy as a pig in slop, his tent nearby, his shit bucket handy, with toilet paper spreading all over the place in the wind. The people on this board love to bitch about cities on the west coast and east coast, but I would like to warn you: this shit is happening right here in beautiful downtown Norman Oklahoma (and not-so-beautiful OKC). Wake up, folks.
I believe that the current situation with homelessness is going to get worse before it gets better. My dad told me before he died that during the depression that the government would stack up potatoes and tell people not to touch and people did not touch, but he said people now will kill you for a dollar to fed their habits, I believe he was right and kowtowing to people is not compassion but giving them work is. Norman has always been known for the ignorance of its politicians, and I have been around that town since the early 1950s. My uncle and aunt owned two real estate businesses there on main street for 40 years.
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Sigh - another fool that doesn't realize we have both. Get back to us when the individual tax cuts expire while the 1% tax breaks that contributing trillions to the deficit continue. I bet you even believe in the" trickle down" bs too.
Class envy is poisonous. We need to stop blaming others for our own shortcomings. Some people will always have more. Taking other people's money because you think you are owed something is not going to solve your problems.
This problem was exacerbated on day 1 of Brandon’s administration when he signed every EO placed before him and he even commented “what am I signing”. Kam’s exhortation of “don’t come” 6 months in was completely ineffective.
National guard should be used to round up and deport illegals with criminal history first and foremost. Ship and hold them to/on the 40 for starters
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If you don't think illegal immigration is an issue then you're either ignorant or part of the problem. It doesn't matter how hard working they are, there is a legal and lawful process to emigrate to the US. The US has some of the most lenient immigration policies. It's being circumvented and subverted by the Biden administration.

There's are several differences between legal and illegal immigrants. One major issue is most illegals don't assimilate to the US society and refuse to learn English. Legal immigrants are far more appreciative of their opportunity.

You don't see a lot of homeless illegals because they pack several families into single family homes. Both homelessness and illegal immigration are problems, but I think the latter is the bigger issue. There's far more than "hard workers" crossing the border.
TBH I started this thread for the limited focus on Norman. And as stated earlier, the homeless in Norman are very much white folk. Illegals and Brandon are moving the conversation to a worthless place.
I have actually participated in a homeless count in my community on more than one occasion. We interview homeless people and get basic information from them in order to obtain federal funds.
Homelessness has nothing to do with COVID. And in my community, which has a large Hispanic population, most of the homeless were White. Predominantly.
The problem is substance abuse - alcohol or drugs. Far too many people, especially younger people, will inject anything into their bodies without having any idea as to what the substance is or what it does. It is astounding to me. We are raising a generation of imbeciles with no idea of the dangers of drug use. These individuals make the hippies of the 1960s look like geniuses when it comes to being aware of the dangers of drug use.

Bingo. Anyone who cares about the topic should look up Michael Schellenberger's work.

He has been engaging with the homeless (on the streets - not the down on their luck person in a car) for decades on a daily basis and has never come across one that wasn't addicted to something. They need addiction help.

As he states, the US errantly calls them "homeless encampments" and the problem gets worse. In the Netherlands, the Dutch call them what they are, "Open Air Drug Markets," and the Dutch have been far more successful than us at controlling them, because they don't hide behind niceties.

The rise of fentanyl is a huge problem with addiction. It's insanely addictive, and it's a new thing, hence a rise in the number of addicts = homeless. COVID certainly played a role in it when too many people were bored at home on govt assistance. Drug use was on the rise. When the govt assistance runs out, they're too far gone to pull it back together.

I was watching an episode of the new Cops the other day, and they were busting a guy for drugs. Before the drugs were tested, the cop turns to the camera and says, "it looks like coke but there's also going to be fentanyl in it. We're finding fentanyl in 100% of our drugs these days. Every bust contains fentanyl regardless of the drug." They test the drugs and it comes up with both coke and fentanyl. When he tells the detainee, the detainee goes, "WHAT?! I didn't know there was fentanyl in it!!!"