Oklahoma student gov ditches Boomer and Sooner for more sensitive words


Sooner starter
Aug 10, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Students at the University of Oklahoma are working to remove the school’s nicknames out of concern that the words are offensive to Native Americans. According to the OU Daily, the Undergraduate Student Congress met November 12 to mandate a name change for the “Sooner Freshman Council”, citing the words “boomer” and “sooner” as offensive to the Native American community.

Can this be true? Saw it on OU Daily Facebook page regarding a article.
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Students at the University of Oklahoma are working to remove the school’s nicknames out of concern that the words are offensive to Native Americans. According to the OU Daily, the Undergraduate Student Congress met November 12 to mandate a name change for the “Sooner Freshman Council”, citing the words “boomer” and “sooner” as offensive to the Native American community.

Can this be true? Saw it on OU Daily Facebook page regarding a article.
I’m not sure what to say..........That is all! :confused:
Why would that offend Native Americans when Sooners were mainly white. If anything it would offend all the nationalities who were classified as Sooners. As someone mentioned earlier in this post those individuals looking to remove Boomer Sooner are idiots of the highest order.
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If you have seen the majors of the members of student government many of them are in majors that attract true committed leftist who in some cases have goals of running for elected office or work for someone who does. The city counsel in Norman is packed with these types.

Since these degree programs have too few jobs their resources should be diverted to degree programs that are actually in high demand.
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IMO, Donors, of which I am one, won't stand for this! There WILL Be Fallout! These 'Kids' haven't been around long enough to value OU Traditions, as we elders do. You want to see Donors dropping out, like flies hit with RAID, just stand back and watch! Who'll Hold My Beer? :mad:
Do you mean that ole tradition of cheating?:D
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It's soon to be Thanksgiving Week with Bedlam for dessert. Was told by the Fam from waaaaaaaaaaaaayback times Not to discuss the Big 2 at gatherings and I'll try to abide. Don't remove:
Come Home to Mama...You can say ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING! We will have a Cussathon, Adult Beverages, Lots of Red Meat, 5# of Shrimp, and Only House Rule, Here, is 'Nothing Orange'...I'm Allergic!!!:p :D
This happened in 2016 and was rejected by the Undergraduate Student Congress by a vote of 20 opposed to the resolution, 13 voted in favor and 1 abstained. Old news. Time to move on.
C'mon, Schoonerman...Fast Forward to Today...What's OLD, is New AGAIN! This generation is being brainwashed by their Profs, and this is In The Moment...I rarely disagree with you, but this IS TODAY'S NEWS!
It ain't gonna happen. There's no way that the name Sooner
is gonna be replaced. The logical thing to do would be to ask
those students what name would they replace it with. I'm quite
sure none of those students have even bothered to contemplate
a replacement name.
Let the students find a more suitable University for their Sensitive lil feelings. Did they not know of Boomer Sooner before they enrolled? What about the ones that accepted Scholarships? Did it offend them then?