More than the next hour of programming on FSN is Sooner pregame.

Want a shock. Go look at the Sooner Pre Game Show on Fox Sports Network SW. Dusty and Chad are interviewing Keith Jackson. OUr former tight end looks like he's about three inches taller and 50 pounds heavier than the former defensive tackle.
Want a shock. Go look at the Sooner Pre Game Show on Fox Sports Network SW. Dusty and Chad are interviewing Keith Jackson. OUr former tight end looks like he's about three inches taller and 50 pounds heavier than the former defensive tackle.

I made the same comment to my wife. I don't know why, she hasn't a clue what I was talking about...........

UH 31 FSU 17.........UH just scored.
Seminoles scored in less than two minutes to cut it to 31-24. Houston backed way off. Love that prevent defense. Houston will have to score again to win.