Originally posted by Medic007:
He initiated the email exchange after he figured out I banned him. His first email made it clear he is actually racist and proud of it. I responded with some pleasantries about inbreeding and him maybe hanging out on some railroad tracks and what not. He's replied with even more racist stuff including "thank goodness for the majority of the folks in Okie who are racists...they won't be plowed under as you will be." Real quote.
I would post all of them here but I can't post his even with edits. Of course mine are witty and entertaining, but you guys would expect nothing less. It's quite clear after a couple of emails I have a vastly superior intellect, so I can see where he might get that I'm geeky.
I do love how welcome you all made him feel.
Had to edit to throw in the smiley face...
This post was edited on 3/12 5:41 PM by Medic007