Glad I didn't slash my wrists earlier
OU needs to find a up and coming coach that brings life to the program
Good luck with that. OU has only had two coaches that won consistently. Billy Tubbs and Kelvin Sampson. Both won over 70% of their games and both coached OU for more than 10 years. You have to go waaay back to find an OU coach being the head man that many years and none won the percentage of games as Billy or Kelvin. OU just doesn’t have much of a basketball program.
Then we need to fix it. I still think that a school like OU could be good at both sports.
How many top power football programs are consistently very good at both sports, football and basketball. Ohio State? Hate to sound like a former frequent poster of this board, but not having great high school basketballers instate makes it more difficult. Some of our best teams have had Oklahoma kids excel. As already posted, Billy Tubbs did a great job of bringing out of state talent to OU to play with our great instate kids.
Michigan State
Notre Dame
Depends on your definition of top football programs. If you're meaning top 5 of all time, then Oklahoma, Ohio State, and Notre Dame are the only 3.
So only four? Proves my point, I think.