Kenny Stills is now very wealthy

Stills was a clutch performer at OU. It's what he did as a Sooner.....not his millionaire status....that I'll remember.
I agree.Its nice to see his success

The fond memories I have of Kenny are his TD catch late at Florida State & the Landry Jones TD pass to him with 4 seconds left in the game at WVU for an OU win.
I like to see former Sooners succeed and make money. Good for them. I wonder if I could borrow a dollar from him.:D

Good to see him make some coin...along with Trent, Lane, Sam, AD, DeMarco, Gerald, Jermaine some nice contracts there heck even Chester and Hanna are getting paid. I know there are more but those are the prominent ones....who would have thunk that Chester would last this long and do well on top of that...I think Jordan Wade was in his recruiting class...

left off were Sterling, Jordan Phillips and AC
It certainly doesn't make it any more difficult. I'd like to give it a shot.
Ya money sounds great and I can think of plenty of things I can do with millions of dollars. But a handful of years ago I worked a crapton of overtime at work and bringing home 3 times what I do right now. But I was miserable. Fast forward to today, and the overtime is still there, but I prefer my time away from work and MUCH happier on less money. But it's nice the overtime is there if I ever get in a financial crunch and need it.
Ya money sounds great and I can think of plenty of things I can do with millions of dollars. But a handful of years ago I worked a crapton of overtime at work and bringing home 3 times what I do right now. But I was miserable. Fast forward to today, and the overtime is still there, but I prefer my time away from work and MUCH happier on less money. But it's nice the overtime is there if I ever get in a financial crunch and need it.

OT doesn't mean squat. If KS takes care of himself properly, he's set for life. He won't need OT after his NFL days.
Ya money sounds great and I can think of plenty of things I can do with millions of dollars. But a handful of years ago I worked a crapton of overtime at work and bringing home 3 times what I do right now. But I was miserable. Fast forward to today, and the overtime is still there, but I prefer my time away from work and MUCH happier on less money. But it's nice the overtime is there if I ever get in a financial crunch and need it.

I wasn't talking about having to work for my riches. :) I was talking about just waking up rich. I think I could figure out what to do with a billion dollars and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make my life worse.

OT doesn't mean squat. If KS takes care of himself properly, he's set for life. He won't need OT after his NFL days.
Money is money. And I don't care about making all the extra money even though it's there for the taking. Being able to buy alot of crap doesn't equate to being happy. More to life than how much green you have in the bank.
I prefer to hope KS ends up healthy after his NFL career, irregardless of how much money he ends up with.
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I ain’t rich, but I damn sure wanna be
Working like a dog all day, ain’t working for me
I wish I had a rich uncle that’d kick the bucket
And that I was sitting on a pile like Warren Buffett
I know everybody says
Money can’t buy happiness

But it could buy me a boat, it could buy me a truck to pull it
It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets
Yeah, and I know what they say
Money can’t buy everything
Well, maybe so,
But it could buy me a boat
Money is money. And I don't care about making all the extra money even though it's there for the taking. Being able to buy alot of crap doesn't equate to being happy. More to life than how much green you have in the bank.
I prefer to hope KS ends up healthy after his NFL career, irregardless of how much money he ends up with.

Sounds noble. But in reality, it's BS. True we all make our own happiness with or without money. There's more to life than how much little you have in the bank as well. Money opens the doors to opportunities. What one does w/ these opportunities is the key. Example: Money can buy one a better education which can lead to many opportunities. Not buying the whole bank account thing BR.

Kenny Stills used his talents to open his doors to opportunity. I'm very happen for him and anyone that can accomplish this.
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Sounds noble. But in reality, it's BS. True we all make our own happiness with or without money. There's more to life than how much little you have in the bank as well. Money opens the doors to opportunities. What one does w/ these opportunities is the key. Example: Money can buy one a better education which can lead to many opportunities. Not buying the whole bank account thing BR.

Kenny Stills used his talents to open his doors to opportunity. I'm very happen for him and anyone that can accomplish this.
Then that's what you believe. Putting so much stock on pairing happiness and money really shows just how shallow a person thinks though.
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I understand what Billy is saying. I could work around the clock add another job to the one I have. But, I was making it for my family. I enjoy the time I have with my family. Not willing to kill my health working that many hours. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would be extremely happy. Give a lot of it away. Money doesn't buy time. It doesn't buy health.
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I understand what Billy is saying. I could work around the clock add another job to the one I have. But, I was making it for my family. I enjoy the time I have with my family. Not willing to kill my health working that many hours. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would be extremely happy. Give a lot of it away. Money doesn't buy time. It doesn't buy health.
Oh don't get me wrong, if I won the lottery I would love it too. But being able to buy whatever I wanted with all that money wouldn't equate to overall happiness. It just means you can buy yourself alot more crap. Heck I would prolly even still find a part-time job I enjoyed doing. If I stopped working totally I would get bored as hell within 6 months.
Oh don't get me wrong, if I won the lottery I would love it too. But being able to buy whatever I wanted with all that money wouldn't equate to overall happiness. It just means you can buy yourself alot more crap. Heck I would prolly even still find a part-time job I enjoyed doing. If I stopped working totally I would get bored as hell within 6 months.
I am retired totally understand.
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I'm shallow. Your deep. Example: I'll pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
Wimpy was happy. But for me, I'd prefer to be the guy happily buying the hamburger as opposed to the guy happily asking for a hamburger.
Having been poor when I was younger and not being able to have what I thought I wanted to later in life and being able to have what I want I was much happier when I was struggling. Having money does not make you happy but when you are young you think it will. Some of the best times of my life were just making the best of it and having fun, now its all about work and keeping up. The more you make the more you spend and spend on crap you don't need.
People with money have problems too just different problems than people who do not have money.
I have been poor, very poor. I like not having to pay bills. I like not having a house payment or car payments. Having money is not overrated by any means. The key to happiness in wealth is keeping those poor years fresh in your mind.
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Ditto DubaSooner. Came up through the same environment and would not change a thing. Blessed to be debt free.
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