In April 19th of 1995 my office downtown was 2 blocks away from thr Federal Building


Sooner signee
May 29, 2001
I worked in Leadership Square on N. Robinson two blocks from the Murrah Federal Building.

Every morning for about two years I would park my car on NW 8th between Hudson and Walker so I could get a little exercise before work. Every morning I would walk down Hudson and walk over to Harvey in front of the Murrah building and then walked to my office

On the morning of April 19th, 1995 I was running a little late and I walked past the Federal building at about 20 minutes to 9.

I remember seeing a bunch of people in front of the Federal building that morning smoking and talking. Most of the people were young and I wondered even today if these people survived the bombing.

When I arrived at my office on April 19th I got a cup of coffee and then sat down at my desk.

At a little after 9:00 I heard the loudest boom that I have ever heard in my life. I thought an airplane had hit our building. I look out of the window and I saw the smoke rising
in back of the Bank Building which blocked our view of the Murrah Building

We were told to go to our cars and to leave downtown. I briefly saw the destroyed Federal Building
but I left quickly to make room for the police and firemen and the medical people helping the injured.

I learned the next morning that my secretary's sister who worked at HUD was probably killed in the blast
and we sadly learned the next day that it was confirmed., Even 22 years later her children are still feeling the void in their lives with the loss of their mother

I changed my parking place in the next month moving to the west to 8th and Classen
and I walked down Shartel to avoid being near the Federal building.

The thing that I will never forget for a lifetime even though I was many blocks away from the Murrah Federal Building is the smell of death that remained for about six weeks after the bombing. It was overwhelmingly sickening and saddened me.

I still think about the woman whose leg was trapped under the rubble of the Federal Building and a doctor climbed into the destroyed Murrah Building where the trapped woman was and he had to amputate her leg with a pocket knife to save her life

This murder of 168 innocent people and the horrible suffering of many people still troubles me deeply.
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I still think about the woman whose leg was trapped under the rubble of the Federal Building and a doctor climbed into the destroyed Murrah Building where the trapped woman was and he had to amputate her leg with a pocket knife to save her life
He had surgical tools, not a pocket knife. Still brutal though.
CT you are correct. I just googled this story and the surgeon who amputated her leg testified at the McVeigh trial. I am providing the link.

Its an amazing story of courage to save that young woman's life.
