Holy Smokes!


OU scholarship offer
Sep 3, 2017
terrible fire at the Notre Dame cathedral but heard they've already got pledges for over 500-million dollars to rebuild.
My worry is the stained glass. While on a tour of the Cathedral at Chartres my wife and I were stunned by the vivid colors of the stained glass. We were told that it's a lost art and it's why you do not see such brilliance in newer western churches. You don't see much stained glass in eastern European; i.e., Russian churches. It's all about the icons.
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What's a shame is that it took the burning of Notre Dame for me to learn that Selma Hayek married a billionaire. He donated $113 million. I was wondering why she hasn't done any movies lately.
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A lot of the World is turning the high donations into a big stinking issue that we cannot talk openly about here. If any want to, you know where the crimson ones that want to can and do
to me its a double-sided coin. on the one hand, folks are upset about the quick reaction and large amounts of donations coming in from the .001% BUT on the flip side you cannot tell someone how or when or where to spend THEIR wealth. the criticism i'm reading about centers around the concept the world's billionaires could solve all manner of ills if they would only re-distribute their money to feed the desperate hungry, rescue the endangered animal, house the massed homeless or educate the poor illiterate.. yes it would be great if the .001% would pool their resources and yes fantastic if they would pay to eliminate every problem money could fix...but it takes a headline to move the needle. thats human nature and no amount of carping is going to fix that. more likely next time expect much less generosity by the elite to avoid the stigma. i'd bet on that before i'd wager on a mass fund appearing to clothe, house or feed millions of anonymous people. like it or not, the cause of rebuilding a cultural icon is an easy sell.