Happy Mother's Day Seniorita and Sockless

Ironically my Mom in Miama that turned 82 on Friday had a fall on Sunday & has a slight concussion, still in Joplin ICU but improving slowly.
SO Sorry to hear that, G...Sending Thoughts and Prayers for You, and Yours...Please give #1 Mom a Special Hug, and Well Wishes from me! :)
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Thanks all. Mom 1 was released from ICU late yesterday and is slowly recovering in a private general room finally. I will trek home to see her after she returns to home sweet Oklahoma, I'm guessing sometime next week hopefully
Good News, G...Updates Posted are appreciated, or eMail me, if you wanna...
Ironically my Mom in Miama that turned 82 on Friday had a fall on Sunday & has a slight concussion, still in Joplin ICU but improving slowly.
Gary, I am glad to hear your mom is doing better. I hope she continues to improve.
I enjoyed our telephone conversation today.
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Absolutely. She checks in with us freeloaders maybe once or twice a year nowadays but never enough. Rumor has it she's a Grandparent now so there is plenty keeping her busy, no doubt.

Um, not a grandparent, yet...and as far as I know, not anytime in the near future, either! Just busy living life, but I make it back for at least 1 home game per year! Boomer Sooner, y'all!
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