2 22LR Sooner signee Dec 1, 2015 1,062 2,086 113 Jan 30, 2016 #2 Beat those crawdad-eating transvestites. Boomer!
Yankees03 Sooner starter Jan 12, 2012 5,683 1,021 113 Jan 30, 2016 #3 Looking forward to this game, I've watched more OU bball this year than I have in a while. Is hield expected to guard Simmons today?
Looking forward to this game, I've watched more OU bball this year than I have in a while. Is hield expected to guard Simmons today?
C coeSooner81 Sooner starter Oct 10, 2014 2,068 2,318 113 Jan 30, 2016 #4 going to be a good day, first get to watch one more football game with Sooners playing, then watch the bball team beat LSU
going to be a good day, first get to watch one more football game with Sooners playing, then watch the bball team beat LSU