FSU vs Louisville

Yeah Im watching. I was a little slighted when Louisville moved up 3 spots in the poll this week and even though we played just as impressively and didnt move a spot. Now they are dominating #2 so I guess those three spots and the new spots they will earn they hang on and win this one also are/were well deserved.
Louisville is dominating. How about that catch in the 2nd quarter. The WR caught it with his knees.
I bet Louisville gets at least 3 first place votes after this. If they beat Clemson and Houston they'll will punch their ticket into the final 4 easily
Bishould'veeeepost: 1490294 said:
All coaches retain jobs until they lose a game...then show them the door!!!!

As far as the OP...good firkin lord I would have NEVER guessed FSU would get tore up like they did....regardless of the opponent!!! Man Louisville came in with about a 55 gallon drum of pure ass kicking today!! Lol
Yep, you should have seen it.
To put it in parlance you understand, it was a prison pounding.