of the D other than to puke at every example of its failure ? Just wondering if there is any kind of behind the scenes action going on and wish we were already privy to the plan
It is usually the case that once you look behind the curtain it is just one guy pulling the levers....of the D other than to puke at every example of its failure ? Just wondering if there is any kind of behind the scenes action going on and wish we were already privy to the plan
of the D other than to puke at every example of its failure ? Just wondering if there is any kind of behind the scenes action going on and wish we were already privy to the plan
This.Please help us with not allowing anyone else outside of Lincoln and Joe have any influence on the DC hire. The old ways was to allow the alums and outsiders to have a say so in the hiring of OU coaches. Not anymore. When Boren hired Joe he gave him the power to hire his coaches. Joe in turn keeps the vultures out of the way of his coaches with the decisions of who is hired.
OU is different than A&M and Texas in this regard as it is the horn and aggie cigars who have great influence in the hiring of coaches. We need the professionals making these decisions.