Chat Recap: September 29th


Sooner starter
Oct 8, 2008
Josh and Eddie were the only members from the Scoop staff in the chat last night. Joe was sick. Not a lot of people joined because Josh only gave about a 2-minute notice. That’s why the content is kind of skimpy today.

Sorry about not having an earlier notice guys!
Comment: Ain't no minute like the last minute, eh Josh?
I deserve that.

Recruiting questions/comments:

Josh, at this stage, what do you think of this staffs recruiting go forward?
I like what OU is doing a lot, I think you all have more reason for optimism than in 5-6 years honestly.

Next Commit?
Jordan Parker is my guess.
Obligatory next commit question?
Next commit? ( kiss of death)
I'll go with Jordan Parker.

Hey Josh, 2 commits coming out of the weekend?
It's possible but I need to see the final list before I'm convinced. I mean Terry falling off obviously hurts the chance.

What's the deal with Terry?
Terry a grade thing IYO or confidence in other targets?
I think it's a grade thing.
Josh, what's your take on the recent Terry turn of events.
I'm not sure, I can say that it surprised a LOT of people that I don't often hear surprised. I can't help but feeling that perhaps his ACT issues (that Scoop talked about last week) were more real than I'd previously known.
Comment: Josh is to predictions as Pacheco is to stringers. Instant death.

Lamar Jackson and Brandon Burton visiting....does that say something about looking at one more safety and Shurod Thompson not being a high enough target so his offer was pulled?
Jackson is a guy that OU is still looking at, I think it may be a backup plan scenario. With Burton, I've ALWAYS been told he was a WR target.

How the hell is Lamar Jackson a backup plan?
Comment: He's not.
I don't think I'd call him a backup plan but OU just doesn't have room to take a safety right now. Think it's clear OU would like to take him if they can make the #s work.
Comment: Lamar Jackson is a hell of a backup plan. I'd like to see him as a hybrid linebacker/safety. He can take Marvin Terry's spot all day everyday.

You answered my Lamar Jackson question as if he wants to commit and we said no. Am I reading too much into that?
I didn't intend it that way - sorry if it came off like that.

Gorney just posted Jackson may postpone visit with the time of the game
Yeah, that's a very real possibility again, this time has just screwed up this weekend.

Price is no longer coming this weekend, is there any hope of him making it up a different weekend?
Absolutely, this early kickoff screwed Oklahoma in a big way.
Who is Price?
Answer: Herbie Price

Darian Owens still planning on visiting?
I know he has talked about it but I doubt it happens.

If Buchanan and Parker both tell the coaches they want to be a Sooner this weekend...and with Maurice Chandler tweeting he will be visiting ASU in November...both Buchanan and Parker welcomed?
Question: Jordan parker and Baylen Buchanan visiting. First come first serve?
Josh would have better opinion than I, but after talking to Chandler at the beginning of the season I'd say that's more of a trip for fun than anything else. Hell I'd take it
I think they would find a way to take both because you need those kind of quality corners.

Who ya got for running back commit this year?
Josh, you think OU coaches realized that Whaley wasn't the best fit for our offense and backed off? Or did UGA just blow him away and flat out beat us for him?
I think OU got tired of waiting, I think they wanted to have that situation settled rather than passing up on some other guys they felt were similarly talented and then ending up having to take a plan D choice in January.
Comment: Trevor Speights doesn't do it for me compared to typical OU recruits at RB. He seems slow based on his competition.
Question: Josh, what's your take on our RB recruiting situation going forward? I'm not the biggest fan of the two latest offers.
I don't think either are 'wow' type of guys but both bring something to the table. I'm pretty open to not being sure OU has to take a back in this class.
Comment: Any quick twitch shifty rbs for ou to go after

So quiet on the OL front. Moore looks all poke IMO and Valentin looks to be the most obvious "greatest possibility"...who gets an offer soon?
Question: What makes you say Moore is all poke?
Answer: just some discussions I've had with people, nothing at all concrete as I said, just my opinion
I'm starting to think Rowdy Frederick may be on the verge of becoming more and more of an option.

With Arky struggling....Diesch more in play?
Have to think so, but again he never really shut the door on OU.

Thoughts on DL recruiting?
Think it's going well but not surprisingly it's behind the rest as Diron Reynolds has spent time playing catch up. And people forget it's been since the 2010 draft that OU had a DL who was truly an elite guy. These kids were barely in middle school at this point.

Is Chris Daniels visiting? If so which weekend?
He'll visit but don't think a final date has been set. I'd bet money OU wants him for TCU.

Ed Oliver Houston bound?

JMT, Youngquist, Jefferson, Kelly....that the LB class? Or 1 more from the pool?
I think one more is possible but it kind of seems like they may be taking four and calling it a day.
Question: Pernell Jefferson is being overlooked by OU fans currently. True or false?
Oh depends on how you mean? Do you mean that he isn't getting enough attention from OU fans or that they don't think he is a player of the caliber he is.

Chances with Juarez better than or worse than John Houston?
Haha, I'll see John Houston and raise you a Nelson Agholor.

Juarez setting his OU OV up before any of his others say anything about where we stand?
Not really. It's USC and UCLA way out in front.

Mique Juarez chances less then, greater than, or equal to 5%?
No answer

Any chance OU is reevaluating their numbers and want to take one more DB or safety instead of another LB?
I think that's a definite chance.

With 2 corners possibly leaving, does OU look at where they are and take more DB’s this year?
It's definitely got to be considered as possible - I don't know how a team with questions at CB says 'no' to Parker or Buchanan.

What Texas commitment has a wandering eye???
Not yet.

Lincon going to take 2 qbs in 2017?
That's not what I'm expecting.

Is Robison better than Kendall at QB?
Well I've seen Robison in person a time or two and haven't seen Kendall in person so I don't know that I've got true conviction about my choice but I'd probably lean a bit toward Robison. There is just something about him, he kind of has that attitude you like in a QB. It's not arrogance, but definitely, very, very confident in himself. I also see him as a guy that players seem to respond to.

From a physical standpoint I think they are very interchangeable though I think their styles are different. Kendall is going to take what's given to him and hit you vertical when you go to sleep. Robison is going to force the issue, hang in and make probably a few more big plays but also might take a sack or two more.

Any update on Ashton Julius or Charles Baldwin?
Nothing as of late. Julious and I are in about a month long game of phone tag.

How do the two 5 star LB we have visiting compare to Jefferson of last year?
Both are bigger more physical guys though I'm not sure either are quite as fluid as Malik. I Think Juarez is the most complete of the trio though.

Levi Draper...18 months away from signing day...does he sign with oSu
I think probably but I definitely think OU is involved.

Does OU try to recruit over Hardy?
Hardy have more promise as a WR or safety?
I think WR, I don't know if he is as twitchy as I'd like to see a DB.

Comment: Hardy not gonna recruited over?
It's pretty tough for Oklahoma pull that trick in North Houston (and Texas in general). I mean you want to go back in there and if you've burned bridges...that's tough.

Hardy and Stephens offers and OUs acceptance of commitments surprise the hell out of you guys?
Stephens, as in Antoine? Nah, I liked him. Think he has some ability. Hardy, yeah, I'm not overwhelmed with him.

Jc chalk update (TE)?
Nothing new to report at the moment, believe OU is still in contact but haven't checked in a few weeks.
Comment: He's never been OU good. Still isn't.
Comment: If Chalk isn't OU good, neither is Flowers (who has underwhelmed me a ton this year, mainly with special team penalties)
Comment: Nah fam, Flowers was as good as an early enrollee as Millard was as a senior. Per the insiders

Juco DE from Texas still a legit target?
I've got no reason to think it changed but am definitely in need of checking around again.

Darrian Franklin Oregon commit visiting soon?
Rumors going around but I need to confirm it with some people.

Is Carmouche still in play?
I think he is kind of like Lamar Jackson, a guy that OU is still interested in and are seeing how the numbers play out.

What is OU doing with CB recruiting? It seemed like they were taking one more but there are a ton of offers still out.
I think there are offers still out, very few are committable.
Comment: What CB/DB offers are commitable?
At safety, right now I'd say no one. At CB, think it's Buchanan and Parker. Guys like Jackson, Franklin, and Eboh still being looked at

Receiver targets? We looking for a sleeper slot of Cleveland goes elsewhere?
I think there are some folks pretty confident about Cleveland.

Who was the Cali player OU turned away? Was it shut of?

Any other '17 kids jump out to you as having OU as their leader besides Barnes and Robison?
Anthony Hines, think OU is doing a great job there.

OU isn't landing their full wish list. Why not take the guys you can get and work numbers later?
Because what if you get an OL you like later and can't take him because you've got your 7th safety?
Comment: Do it SEC style.
Nah. Again guys you've got to be REAL careful how often you're doing that stuff.

Should OU process players?
They've already done it, but again it's about picking your places. This is why early commitments can be such a problem.

Do you have a list up of expected visitors? Or too fluid right now?

Current lineup/player questions/comments:

What injury is Sanchez battling?
Tendinitis in his knee

OU win Sat Josh?
That's my guess.

Josh, Eddie..what are your thoughts on the game this weekend?
I'm going to be doing the game breakdown tomorrow for Under the Hood but man I think this is a 'first team to 40' kind of deal. I really think you'll see something like 42-31 or something along those lines. Skyler Howard can be VERY dangerous.

Josh/Carey/Joe/Eddie... After 3 games, what do you think our final record will be and why? I'm still predicting 10-2 with next to no shot at making the playoffs...
I had 9-3 in preseason and thought TN would be a loss, so I'm going to go with 10-2 but I think it's Baylor and X that gets them.
I went 10-2 in the podcast and probably am still there. Could re-evaluate in 3 weeks. These next two weeks aren't a joke. Better come to play.

Would Shannon see the most action in place of a banged up Alexander?
Would DEFINITELY be my expectation.
I think that'd be good thinking.

Any good tidbits about the defense, Edward?
Other than Jordan Thomas starting, not really. Just pretty interesting in talking about the last 3 years between these teams, been some really chippy play. Had forgot how chippy last year was.

Any word on Gallimore or McGinnis progress?
I've not heard anything but perhaps Eddie has.
Gallimore has been getting some extra work in with Diron Reynolds after practice, but other than that not much. McGinnis looked to have really slimmed down when I saw him

Why can't we put Bond, Striker, and Evans at LB in a 3-3-5?
Because Striker and Bond are edge players, I'm not sure they fit the system set-up of a 3-3-5 that requires them to work the middle in coverage and have such unique responsibilities.

Josh from watching Mixon...kind of what you expect or think he is only going to be used more and settle in?
I think he'll get used more and more again I think OU has been pretty vanilla offensively because you've got so many moving parts and ALL are learning a new O.
Comment: Not going to lie, Mixon isn't as explosive as I had anticipated.
Comment: Don't think Mixon has had a chance to take off, got a feeling good things are coming soon, real soon
Comment: I've been impressed with Joe's physicality. He's definitely not an easy guy to bring down.

Josh or eddie, if your OU what do you offer Viney come January?
I go to Joe C./Boren and scream that he MUST be kept as support staff.

It's strange that no one else has thought of that. Quick would be the best thing since spiced bread at CB.
Comment From Travis
lol @ Drummond
Comment: Alex Ross to LB, Stanvon to WR and Quick to CB?

Is there anything Cooks may have learned seeing that offense up close?
Oh I don't think there is any doubt. People keep treating this offense like it's unsolvable...forgetting that the Run and Shoot once had similar commentaries.

Eddie you hearing anything bout Austin Roberts getting close to game snaps?
Not a peep.
Stoops was actually asked about him during the off week, gave the usual 'he's progressing, coming along'

Eddie who has more confidence in their own ability, seibert or vanderjack?
Seibert X 2,000,000

If baker keeps playing at this pace, what are the odds he leaves this year?
to go where?
Comment: To make that paper Edward (even if it's not a smart decision)
LOL. Baker's realistic.
Comment: I thought Baker's parents were of considerable wealth. Perhaps he doesn't pursue the paper.

Lampkin lose his redshirt at Texas?

General Sports:

Who is calling our game Sat?
FS1 - Joe Davis (pbp), Brady Quinn (color) & Kris Budden (sideline)

Who decides game times?
TV Networks.

Hearing names of visitors at the RRR?
Reminder - Texas the 'home' team this year, they'll do the inviting.
COMMENT: Texas would be better off not having recruits at games the rest of the year.
Eddie Rado:
OU better come ready to play, it's not going to be a walk in the park at the Cotton Bowl IMO.
Comment: Right Eddie, I skipped a year

If OU-TCU kicks off at 11, what does this administration do?
It would be really interesting. Castiglione said last week he had just been talking to Chris Del Conte (TCU AD) who was upset they were playing Texas this weekend at 11 am ... on Homecoming.

Josh/eddie, thoughts on OSU vs texas officiating?
I didn't get to watch a ton of that game but some of the stats I've seen are pretty staggering in regard to that crew, namely this one:

Mahomes vs heard, who do you take?
I might lean toward Mahomes but I can't decide if I'm just not sold on what Texas is doing with Heard or if the issues are more connected to him.
Comment: Mahomes in a landslide

If an OU coach could punch one former commitment in the face, who would it be and why
hahaha...oh I think Norvell a few days before NSD would have taken a swing at DGB. haha. Obviously not really but I think it's safe to assume his level of frustration was HIGH to VERY HIGH.
Comment: Robert Meacham would be a nice candidate for a punch to the face and a kick to the junk.

Which HSer, in recent memory, has made the worst school choice?
Man, that's a whale of a question...but I can't deny that I always found any elite OL choosing Texas in the Mack Brown era a bit baffling. I mean their track record, at that point in time, of wasting quality OL is just staggering.

1-10.How shady is Art Briles?

Non-Sports Stuff:

Comment: Lets all sing happy birthday to Eddie!
Comment: singing Happy Bday is so sweet and precious!!! Hah
and free nowadays ... lol. March 5th, mark it in your calendars.

Where Duvall at?
Has been praying to the porcelain God for the most part all day.
Comment: Hope @Smash feels better soon.

Any updates from McAlester this week on big DW? Any new offspring or change of plans?
so ugly.

If Carey pinned a thread stating the obvious that he is not going to be as involved with the boards as much as he was in the past, would people lay off him a little?

GOAT spiced bread recipe?

Eddie checking in from Sugars
The wi-fi here is the t... It's legit!

Did Josh quit?
Not easy to keep up sometimes!

Anyone else think Carson daily in the room with parents on The Voice is pointless. He just yells like a little kid. Useless
Comment: Not as bad as when the guy that did it for American Idol tried to high five the blind kid.

He ain't straight outta Compton, he straight out the trailer Josh.

Alright guys, enjoyed it as always - I'll work hard to stay more up to speed next week!

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