Can't believe...


Sooner signee
Jun 22, 2015
the proliferation of softball threads cluttering up the Scoop. Do any of y'all believe in consolidation anymore?

An official thread or two would suffice in normal situations. I'm happy as a clam that OU is doing so well. But, when someone hits a homer or we have a victory, we shouldn't have multiple threads on the matter. Why can't there be a single playoff thread?

We haven't seen such practices here in the past two seasons. What has changed?
the proliferation of softball threads cluttering up the Scoop. Do any of y'all believe in consolidation anymore?

An official thread or two would suffice in normal situations. I'm happy as a clam that OU is doing so well. But, when someone hits a homer or we have a victory, we shouldn't have multiple threads on the matter. Why can't there be a single playoff thread?

We haven't seen such practices here in the past two seasons. What has changed?

Cluttering what? Are we missing a bunch of great football threads?
I don't really care much for softball or baseball or even basketball but for those that do knock yourself out and have fun posting and discussing it. I like to see OU win in anything too so the posts don't bother me at all and I don't have to look at 100 posts in one thread to see if they won. :)
Cluttering what? Are we missing a bunch of great football threads?


Perhaps there are posters like myself who are somewhat turned off from the Scoop most days lately because of softball saturation. Maybe time for me to take a couple of months off.

Perhaps there are posters like myself who are somewhat turned off from the Scoop most days lately because of softball saturation. Maybe time for me to take a couple of months off.
Go back in your cave.
FW, if you start posts with other themes, I'm sure others will join in. But what I see, is that without the softball posts, there just aren't many.
Can you give a description of the guy who pissed in your mouth and on your cornflakes?
the proliferation of softball threads cluttering up the Scoop. Do any of y'all believe in consolidation anymore?

An official thread or two would suffice in normal situations. I'm happy as a clam that OU is doing so well. But, when someone hits a homer or we have a victory, we shouldn't have multiple threads on the matter. Why can't there be a single playoff thread?

We haven't seen such practices here in the past two seasons. What has changed?
Fortworth....get with the program....there are SOME women athletes worthy of discussion, as long as they attend OU.
Fortworth....get with the program....there are SOME women athletes worthy of discussion, as long as they attend OU.

Especially when the summer break has started. Sorry to say so, but Patty's girls are a whole lot better to watch than OU baseball, and much more interesting. If you weren't watching the 10 inning in our 2nd game on Sunday, you missed something pretty special.

We have this Longhorn lady providing color analysis on ESPN, and she's actually not bad. Two time conference defensive player of the year, eight year pro, and a GM of one of the pro teams now. I don't agree with everything she says, but she said on today's broadcast that it's the best game she's ever covered. The whole regional was pretty special.

The Sooner women do something spectacular almost every time they play, and they're 54-9, especially in the best of the women's sports in the NCAA. We had a long thread on the premium site last week guaging interest, including a poll I put together, and after 250 responses, only 9 in the poll were negative about women's softball at OU.

FW, you're in a pretty small minority on the site.
Especially when the summer break has started. Sorry to say so, but Patty's girls are a whole lot better to watch than OU baseball, and much more interesting. If you weren't watching the 10 inning in our 2nd game on Sunday, you missed something pretty special.

We have this Longhorn lady providing color analysis on ESPN, and she's actually not bad. Two time conference defensive player of the year, eight year pro, and a GM of one of the pro teams now. I don't agree with everything she says, but she said on today's broadcast that it's the best game she's ever covered. The whole regional was pretty special.

The Sooner women do something spectacular almost every time they play, and they're 54-9, especially in the best of the women's sports in the NCAA. We had a long thread on the premium site last week guaging interest, including a poll I put together, and after 250 responses, only 9 in the poll were negative about women's softball at OU.

FW, you're in a pretty small minority on the site.
I feel the same way watching the UConn women, who are a whole lot better to watch than their male counterparts, which includes every UConn male sport....and most male sports everywhere else.
Guess we won't use the silly "argument" that any high school boys softball team could beat the OU women's team. I hope that kind of stupidity doesn't overflow into discussions of Gasso's team.
I do not have time to read so many threads about softball. It is better than the board full of all-capital letter messages and titles. I do not post often and not many posts so I was told I need to learn my place on this message board.

Perhaps there are posters like myself who are somewhat turned off from the Scoop most days lately because of softball saturation. Maybe time for me to take a couple of months off.
I would say you take a lot of time off. It is not football season. Are you an OU fan?? If so then get off your dead as$ and rejoice in the success of softball. It is OU and you should be elated!!!! If not I say you fu$k yourself
I would say you take a lot of time off. It is not football season. Are you an OU fan?? If so then get off your dead as$ and rejoice in the success of softball. It is OU and you should be elated!!!! If not I say you fu$k yourself
NEWSFLASH: One cannot ride a deceased donkey. Sorry to have to inform you of what most already know. Common sense really. Also, I'm not as agile as you so I can't do what you suggest at the end above but I bet you can.
And there's not a whole lot of participation in the softball threads either.

Of the 15 posts that have had some replies in the last four days, the top three viewed were Softball threads. The one about last night's win over Tulsa is up in the 500 view range.
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Is it normal here for Plainosooner and bullmarket to try and dominate the topics of discussion on this message board? I do not remember it being this way when I signed up several months ago.
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It wasn't softball playoff season several months ago. And Bull was returning from a sabbatical.

But we don't post as much as many other people on this site. It's just that on this portion of the site, there is very little activity. As I said to FW earlier in the day, post some stuff and it will be commented on.

There have been some pretty good and frequent posters run off this site. A couple were banned and deserved it. They were brothers. But I don't see why you'd complain when there's not much her, going on.

Bull and I have OUr differences. But he was here more than 20 years ago, and I've been here 18 or 19.

My comment to CTO is that there are more than a few people who don't post here much, but read a lot. If you have 500 views, that's an indication of worthy activity most of the time. A whole lot of posters on this site love, or really like Sooner softball. Or some just like any sport, men or women, that contend eight out of ten years for an NC in their sport.

The thing I love about Sooner softball, is the usual excellence in fundamentals of the sport. They've been to the Super Regionals eight years in a row. CTO is a really good poster. But he comes here to more than occasionally crow about how great UConn's women's basketball teams are. That may be true, but this isn't the place for that. There are lots of places to love on Geno. This isn't supposed to be one.

Bull has forgotten more about Soooner athletics than a whole bunch of eight groups of posters here combined. His return brightened things up here, even if he drives me crazy occasionally. But it's good crazy, because I know he LOVES everything OU. He is the eternal optimist, as his handle would indicate. And he loves to rag on anything wearing burnt orange. Not hard to love that.
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Plaino, you're way off base on what I have posted.
And who the hell are you to tell people here what should or should not be discussed here ? There have been good conversations here on history, politics, other sports, other teams, movie reviews, questions about health, where to retire, etc. Yet you have issues with me mentioning (and defending) a non-OU team against your inaccurate, unfair and sexist views....referring to it as "crowing".
My "crowing" about the UConn women's basketball program has not been excessive and has for the most part been to defend against your silly putdowns of the UConn program with statements such as how a boys high school team could beat them. What really makes your views on sexual superiority unfair and highly hypocritical is that if Sherri Coale's basketball team had the same level of success over the past 20 years as Auriemma's teams, you would be all over it, even to the point of gleefully comparing her record to John Wooden's record at UCLA.
I grew up playing baseball, football and basketball being non-existent at my grade school. I was a fan of the old Lincoln A's when Nellie Fox, Bobby Shantz, and Billy Shantz were on the team. I actually played with and against some pretty good kids in Legion ball.

I played in the SW Oklahoma Legion League that produced the national champions in 1952 (Elk City with Eddie Peach) and the national runner-ups in 56 (?) with Lindy and Von McDaniel (lost to Cincinnati with Danny McDevitt). That was one tough league.

I don't know if the OU softball team could have hit the fastball of McDaniel. But, I never saw a boys team that could field as well as the infield of OU softball. Romero and Arnold can get some shots. They are a lot better than the even pretty good male teams that I have played in amateur softball.
I feel the same way watching the UConn women, who are a whole lot better to watch than their male counterparts, which includes every UConn male sport....and most male sports everywhere else.
Guess we won't use the silly "argument" that any high school boys softball team could beat the OU women's team. I hope that kind of stupidity doesn't overflow into discussions of Gasso's team.

Release the butthurt. It's okay. You can do it.
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Besides OU softball there's not a lot to talk about. Be thankful with Summer break. We are not seeing OU players getting in trouble. This time of year the only things that come up, usually means trouble
Is it normal here for Plainosooner and bullmarket to try and dominate the topics of discussion on this message board? I do not remember it being this way when I signed up several months ago.

They're back. When you signed up, both were posting elsewhere and one posted occasionally.

HH, the board went through a rough time, an all out war to be honest. Finally Josh put his foot down (see pinned post) and some couldn't handle it. A combination of some leaving out of butthurt or they were banned occurred.

But Plaino is right, it's always slow this time of the year. But FTWorth is correct as well. Multiple threads on the same subject is common place & style for a particular poster. But what he posts isn't bad or anything, but rather repetitious. No biggie.
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WNAS, pretty sure that HH is one of the two brothers that was banned during that time. They both showed up on my Facebook site Tuesday, in some sort of retaliation. And some mild threats.
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the proliferation of softball threads cluttering up the Scoop. Do any of y'all believe in consolidation anymore?

An official thread or two would suffice in normal situations. I'm happy as a clam that OU is doing so well. But, when someone hits a homer or we have a victory, we shouldn't have multiple threads on the matter. Why can't there be a single playoff thread?

We haven't seen such practices here in the past two seasons. What has changed?
Funny, there's another thread where I'm told I should only be focusing on softball right now. You guys need to meet up some where and figure this out for all of us.
WNAS, pretty sure that HH is one of the two brothers that was banned during that time. They both showed up on my Facebook site Tuesday, in some sort of retaliation. And some mild threats.

If he is then it'll come out in his posts. It always does. But I'm not going to accuse anyone of past disgressions. Brothers. Half, whole, or indifferent doesn't matter to this board. So man just let it go. Move on and please don't bring all of that stuff back to the board. No one needs and/or wants it. The board is so much improved these days.
Funny, there's another thread where I'm told I should only be focusing on softball right now. You guys need to meet up some where and figure this out for all of us.

I think that Bull is one of my favorite posters. But I don't think that his proclaiming that football is too far away to be talking about that, is any sort of general proclamation of the rest of us.

This site does a lot of things, but its specialty is football recruiting. And if there is recruiting news, they'll discuss it here, 24/7, 365.

My suggestion for those who think there are too many clusters of softball threads here, would be to start more threads, so that if there are 20 softball threads in the last three weeks, that instead of being half the threads, it's only 10%.
Not much has changed here. A thread started to bitch about other threads that have been started. The irony isn't lost on me. At least the softball threads, if I choose to read them, have useful information if I'm a softball fan. This one is just unadulterated whiny bullshit, but it has been terrific entertainment so I'll certainly continue to follow it.
Not much has changed here. A thread started to bitch about other threads that have been started. The irony isn't lost on me. At least the softball threads, if I choose to read them, have useful information if I'm a softball fan. This one is just unadulterated whiny bullshit, but it has been terrific entertainment so I'll certainly continue to follow it.
As is yours above. Eye of the beholder? Nice bitter whine with your rancid meal. Yum!

I don't like unsweetened tea because of its aftertaste and I don't prefer sweetened as it is too sugary. But, half and half is just right. Not too extreme but a solid the OP goes.

You prefer the extreme? I'm beginning to understand you better...I think.:eek:
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