Big 12 Week #14 - my picks


OU scholarship offer
Jul 18, 2006
Overland Park KS
Week #14 is the aftermath after the battle smoke has cleared....although the K-State - West Virginia could be a pretty tough battle. With just two more games to Big 12 ytd picks stand at 66-10.

Texas Shorthorns @ Baylor Bears

54-27 Baylor....the Bears will have a dry and fast track to move the ball at will on the shorthorns. If it was Stidham in there... the score would be well into the 60's for Baylor. Even still, they will smack around the shorthorns.

West Virginia Mountaineers @ Kansas State Wildcats

36-34 should not be a factor so this game should be a real close one.

This concludes my 2015 Big 12 Picks. I will try my hand at picking the Bowl and Playoff games this year...see if I can extend my picking prowess outside of the conference.
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I think KState will win. Snyder factor so Cats can get into a bowl. Will enjoy watching the Baylor-Horn beat down.
I think KState will win. Snyder factor so Cats can get into a bowl. Will enjoy watching the Baylor-Horn beat down.

As much as I hate Texas I hate Baylor even more would to see Texas beat them clowns. We need to get this conference back to OU Texas.
We need Baylor to win. If the Longhorns go 5-7 and any 5-7 teams go to the 37-40th stinker bowls, Texas would likely be one of them!
Go Bears! (Ugh! That just flat our tastes bad!!!)