Baylor-Houston game canceled

The contact tracing is killing it. Out of the 20 guys OU was missing last week, very few actually tested positive,
The big irony in all this, is the NCAA caused a lot of it. Not sure when it was exactly. I think it was maybe 25 years ago that a number of athletes lived in "jock dorms." Athletes lived in dorms that were exclusively for athletes. The NCAA decided that athletes could no longer live in dorms that had less than 50% non athletes. Most athletes, not all but most, especially football players, have worked hard to avoid exposure to COVID. But if they live on a floor with others, especially a roommate, then if that no athlete roommate has had exposure, then that athlete has to sit for two weeks.

OU had the special situation when I was a student, that OU athletics was a separate entity from the university. They bought the dorms. The Athletic Department as it was called them, maintained their own buildings, including paying all personnel. I think we were maybe the only school in the country doing it that way. The NCAA ruling made for a bigger challenge for OU than any other school in the country.

Of course, when I was a student, players lived in the "jock dorm" until they either used up their eligibility. or got married. Things were way way different. Not sure if any students live in a dorm after their freshman year any more. But if there was a dorm for male athletes only, there would be a lot less sitting out because of COVID.