Baker Mayfield...National 'Earl Campbell-Tyler Rose' Winner for Week 3...

Senior Sooner

Sooner starter
Dec 1, 2003
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Baker Mayfield is also a Candidate for the All-State Sugar Bowl Manning Award, but I'm unable to link it...It's a 'People's Choice' Voting Award, but limited to only one voter, per person...I've already tried the usual tricks...

That's good... couldn't come to a more deserving fellow...and who does he play for?

I believe that would be your OU Sooners!

Suck it bitches!:cool:
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I don't know Gypsy Lee but...whatever.

I don't believe that.....You have some age behind you...............

That's good... couldn't come to a more deserving fellow...and who does he play for?

I believe that would be your OU Sooners!

Suck it bitches!:cool:

To be more Politically Correct, I should probably have posted:

Baker Mayfield, formerly of Texas Tech, has been named the Earl Campbell, formerly known as The Tyler Rose, Award. The Prize was presented by Gypsy Lee, formerly known as Rose Lee, and it's still unclear just what the prize is...

This board would make a GREAT Sit-Com...The way everyone goes Off-Topic on multiple tangents, it reminds me of 'Who's On First'? 'What's On Second'?

A meeting of the AADD Anonymous Group will meet here, @ 8:00...:D
To be more Politically Correct, I should probably have posted:

Baker Mayfield, formerly of Texas Tech, has been named the Earl Campbell, formerly known as The Tyler Rose, Award. The Prize was presented by Gypsy Lee, formerly known as Rose Lee, and it's still unclear just what the prize is...

This board would make a GREAT Sit-Com...The way everyone goes Off-Topic on multiple tangents, it reminds me of 'Who's On First'? 'What's On Second'?

A meeting of the AADD Anonymous Group will meet here, @ 8:00...:D

Yeah, sorry about that SS.
Sometimes my passion about this team exceeds all the niceties of good taste. My bad.
Yeah, sorry about that SS.
Sometimes my passion about this team exceeds all the niceties of good taste. My bad.

No, fitty...Not Bad, It's Good...ALL Good! It's like a 'Live' Conversation...Everyone tossing out ideas and putting in their 2 cents worth...It's what makes This Board OUr BOARD!! Everyone is comfortable here, and it's like Family...

Sorry if you thought I was suggesting otherwise. You know that certain personalities 'Get It' and some Never Get It, even with Pictures. We are fortunate to have some out-of-the-box thinkers and some over-the-top posters who are anything but Ordinary...Thank YOU for being one of those! :cool:
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