2 pitchers or less


Sooner commitment
Nov 22, 2021
If we have to go to 3 or more pitchers, it could get ugly! I'm not expecting to see Maxwell tonight. We'll see.
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I didn't have any idea how many we'd have in the circle, but I knew Patty would need several. The only thing that surprised me was throwing Maxwell at the end. After nearly 300 pitches in the previous two day, I thought it would go about how it did, but thought Nicole would throw the last three. Saving Kelly for Friday, IF.

I suspect what happened is that Patty asked Kelly how many she could count on, and it came up two innings. That, especaiily with all the lefties in the Softhorn lineup, made for a great idea. We didn't have any pitcher Thursday night that we could count on for more than a few innings, if that. So we got almost four from Keeney, one batter from Monticelli, then our best three best in revere order of trust ending with KM. With the look in Softhorn eyes, it worked pretty well. I can't believe they were so intimidated by the crowd. But they definitely were, just as good ole Mike foretold.
I didn't have any idea how many we'd have in the circle, but I knew Patty would need several. The only thing that surprised me was throwing Maxwell at the end. After nearly 300 pitches in the previous two day, I thought it would go about how it did, but thought Nicole would throw the last three. Saving Kelly for Friday, IF.

I suspect what happened is that Patty asked Kelly how many she could count on, and it came up two innings. That, especaiily with all the lefties in the Softhorn lineup, made for a great idea. We didn't have any pitcher Thursday night that we could count on for more than a few innings, if that. So we got almost four from Keeney, one batter from Monticelli, then our best three best in revere order of trust ending with KM. With the look in Softhorn eyes, it worked pretty well. I can't believe they were so intimidated by the crowd. But they definitely were, just as good ole Mike foretold.
It was definitely a head scratcher at the end. I actually thought Nicole May was going to get the start. I was way off! Guess that's why Patty is the GOAT!
Then I realized we got only two and two-thirds from Keeney. So for the last four innings, we got a one or a little over one inning from the last three. It was a gamble. But Patty knows what she'd doing.
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The more I think about it, it all worked perfectly according to Patty’s plan. Take a few chances early with relatively unknown arms and attack. They didn’t adjust and the Sooner offense came alive and the Defense caught the runner off base which killed whorn momentum, 4-Petes sake !